Proud blue peacock with full tail

I’ve never been into negative messaging.

Sure, there’s a lot of gloom and doom in the sustainability world. And it’s not inaccurate—the scientific forecast for our planet is pretty dire.

But in terms of motivating people to change their actions, I’ve never felt comfortable leading with a negative message. Guilt-based motivation feels like a way to alienate people, rather than invite them to be part of the solution.

That’s why I was excited to see the results of a recent study from Princeton. The findings suggest that pride is a more powerful motivator of environmental actions than guilt.

This message rings so true to me. Personally, when I’m presented with the negative consequences of my actions, I tend to first feel overwhelmed or defensive.

When I’m instead presented with the opportunity to make a positive difference, I feel hopeful and inspired and excited to participate.

I hope the vibe you get from me each week in this email is positive and empowering. My goal isn’t to induce guilt, but to encourage you to envision an events industry we can all be proud of.

Of course, there’s a lot we already have to feel proud of. Our events help our clients reach their goals, build important relationships, and create special moments. That pride can continue to grow as we plan our events with care for the environment in mind.

When we as event professionals feel proud of the way we do business, our clients feel proud of their events too. And that’s good business for everyone.

The Strongest Motivator for Sustainability Isn’t What You Think

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