Long wooden stairs leading up a tall grassy hill

One of my colleagues recently articulated a thought I’ve had for a while but hadn’t been able to put into words.

We were discussing the reluctance some people in the Midwest show when it comes to sustainability. She said that when it comes to being green, Midwesterners “don’t want to put anyone out.”

Her statement rang true to me. I’ve been in many conversations where, when sustainability gets brought up, it’s dismissed as too inconvenient or too much of a departure from everyone’s normal process.

It’s true that if you don’t already have sustainable practices in place, it can take some time and planning, and maybe even some investment, to set them up.

But you know what else is inconvenient?

Providing special meals to accommodate allergies and dietary restrictions.

Vetting speakers and entertainers to ensure high-quality performances.

Installing rigging, lights and draping to create a dramatic space.

Assembling and transporting dozens of floral arrangements at the peak of freshness.

The list goes on. There are countless “inconvenient” things event professionals do on a regular basis because we know they’re important to the success of an event.

Many of these tasks are recognized as standards and best practices, and an event would feel unusual and unfinished without them.

Sustainability shouldn’t be any different.

In this day and age, when issues related to food allergies are well-established, and a variety of specialty diets are common, you wouldn’t think of proposing a menu that offers a hamburger as the only entree option with no alternatives. Your proposal would be seen as outdated and uninformed.

In the same way, in this era when plastic pollution, food waste, natural resource depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions are affecting human and animal life, sustainability can no longer be an afterthought.

It’s just the way we should do things.

Is sustainability inconvenient? Sometimes.

Does the value it generates for your business, your clients, and your planet outweigh the inconvenience? Absolutely.

Ready to take your first steps into recycling, composting, or reducing waste? We’ll help you start achieving sustainable results without up-ending your current process.

Sustainability Isn’t Always Convenient, But Should That Matter?

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